The zoning resolution states:
In order to promote and protect the health, safety, morals, and welfare of the residents of the unincorporated area of Granger Township, Medina County, Ohio, and to conserve and protect property and property values, and to provide for the maintenance of the rural character of Granger Township, and to manage orderly growth and development in said Township, the Board of Trustees has found it necessary and advisable to adopt these zoning regulations as a comprehensive plan of zoning which will regulate the location, height, bulk, number of stories, and size of buildings and other structures, percentages of lot areas which may be occupied, building setback lines, size of yards, and other open spaces and density of population, the uses of buildings and other structures and the uses of the land for trade, industry, residence, recreation, or other purposes; and for such purposes to divide the unincorporated area of Granger Township into zoning districts and to provide for the administration and enforcement of such regulations. All regulations shall be uniform for each class or kind of building or other structure or use throughout any district or zone, but the regulations in one district or zone may differ from those in other districts and zones.
See for yourself:

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F. Building Design Guidelines:
Buildings shall be designed in accordance with the following: 1. Architectural Style Buildings shall be designed to reflect the nature and purpose of the district, the rural character of the Township, and to be in harmony with adjacent and surrounding residential uses.
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PDD Planned Development District A. Purpose The purpose of the Planned Development District (PDD) is to: A. Encourage creative, high quality site design practices in the development of commercial, office, and Light Industrial environments; B. Promote harmony and integration with existing developments and protect adjoining properties from adverse impacts; C. Promote safe and efficient pedestrian and vehicular movement; D. Promote efficient use of infrastructure; E. Protect and enhance natural and historic resources; F. Provide opportunity for economic development; G. Promoting general welfare; H. Encouraging the efficient use of land and resources; I. Promoting greater efficiency in providing public and utilities services; and J. Encouraging innovation in the planning and building of all types of development.
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A. Pre-Application Meeting Prior to the submission of an application and development plan for a Planned Development, applicants shall notify the Zoning Inspector of their intent to file an application and request to be scheduled on the next available meeting agenda for the Zoning Commission. The applicant shall appear before the Zoning Commission and may present a preliminary sketch or concept plan of his proposed Planned Development. The purpose of this pre-application meeting is to discuss the criteria and standards contained herein, to familiarize the applicant with the PDD process, and to review the applicant's proposed general approach to development of the site. As part of the pre-application discussion, the Zoning Commission may make comments, suggestions, recommendations, and observations regarding the applicant's sketch plan and development concept, however no action shall be taken by the Zoning Commission, and their comments, suggestions, recommendations, and observations shall not be relied upon by the applicant as indicative of any subsequent approval or denial. B. Application and Preliminary Development Plan Submission 1. A Preliminary Development Plan conforming to the requirements of Section 307.F.2. of this Zoning Resolution. 2. Information regarding the nature, distribution, and volume of vehicular traffic projected to be generated by the proposed development and the capacity of the existing roadways to accommodate that traffic. 3. Evidence from the appropriate Medina County agency that public water and sanitary sewer facilities are adequate to handle the proposed development. 4. Fees and deposits in conformance with the provisions of Section 307.I. C. Processing of Preliminary Development Plans Once the application is determined to be complete and is officially accepted by the Zoning Inspector, the Zoning Inspector shall forward copies to the Zoning Commission and such other officials or advisors as the Township may designate. The Zoning Commission shall schedule the application to be heard at their next general meeting occurring at least ten (10) days subsequent to filing of the complete application at which time the applicant shall be provided an opportunity to present the proposed Planned Development.
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B. Basis of Determination 1. Specific Regulations Pertaining to Certain Conditional Zoning Certificates The Board of Zoning Appeals shall review the particular facts and circumstances of each proposed use in terms of the following standards, and shall find adequate evidence that such use on the proposed location:
a. Will be harmonious with and in accordance with the general objectives, or with any specific objective of the Township comprehensive zoning plan of current adoption.
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c. Will not be hazardous or disturbing to existing or future neighboring uses
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2. Specific Regulations Pertaining to Certain Conditionally Permitted Uses
f. It is the intent of this Subsection to permit creative planned development design by:
3) Encouraging the conservation of the natural amenities of the landscape
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Retail Commercial Uses: establishments primarily engaged in the sale of goods and materials to the general public. Retail commercial uses may include, but are not limited to, bookstores, antique stores, bakeries, grocery stores, and other similar uses.